Equipping vision cards to units gives them stat boosts, bestows Effects, or activates Party Abilities.
The effect of vision cards equipped to a sub slot will be reflected proportionately.
*The sub slot is unlocked when a unit reaches Lv. 99. The proportion reflected increases depending on the number of times a vision card has been awakened.
Certain vision cards have special Vision Abilities that can be used by a unit that meets the specified requirements.
*The Vision Ability of vision card in the sub slot can be used when the vision card reaches Lv. 99.
Bestowed Effect Examples:
Fire Res Up, Hate Up (draws enemy fire to that unit), Beast Killer, etc.
Party Ability Examples:
Max HP Up, Strike Attack Up, Pierce Attack Res Up, etc.
Party Abilities and Bestowed Effects may have activation requirements.
Furthermore, there are Party Abilities that will only become available as Max Training Bonuses when a vision card is fully awakened and at max level.
*Effects that have activation conditions are displayed in red.
*You can view these conditions and effects on the vision card screen.
*On the Formation Screen, you can press and hold a vision card icon, then press and hold a Vision Ability to toggle its Use in Auto Battles settings.
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